An inspiring building

The inspiring building is a showcase for a modern and efficient provincial administration, which started using the building at the end of 2018. At the bottom of the building, in the beam-shaped section, is a unique conference centre. A publicly accessible garden has been created around the building.  

gevel provinciehuis

Architecture with a twist 

The provincial building is easily recognisable by the torsion in the tower building. This is also a functional shape, designed to ensure that no shadow is ever cast on adjacent buildings. There may be less sunlight, but at the same time, more light from the north on the large, open storeys. The triangular windows also give the building something of a unique touch. 

provinciehuis werkvloer met kunst

Optimal use of space

The provincial building has fourteen floors in total, bringing it to a height of 58 metres. This is a little shorter than the old provincial government building, which reached 71 metres. Floor area has also decreased significantly to 23,000 m² (compared to 52,000 m² in the former building). The building is home to around 860 employees working in central administration and provincial policy bodies. In the tower building, 660 office workers share different types of workspaces, chosen according to the work that they carry out. There are no personal offices, thus helping to maximise use of space. 

Every Collection Hides Another Collection

Art in the public space 

The Province of Antwerp has an extensive collection of artworks, which are displayed on rotation in the provincial building. Artist Nico Dockx was commissioned to produce an installation for the public area. The result of the commission was an art cabinet known as ‘Every Collection Hides Another Collection’. The installation comprises fifty-five metre pillars supporting shelves, display cases and suspended racks for presentations. Other pieces from the collection are put on regular display, with a focus on a specific artist or theme, sometimes integrating loaned art to give the works more context. Information about current exhibitions can be found on the Dutch-language pages of the website.